Transferer Toolkit

What is the Transferer Toolkit?

The Transferer Toolkit is a digital guide to using clay to build oracy and critical thinking skills in schools. It is the main project dissemination resource and is the culmination of BCB’s learning across the Transferer project. Included in this digital download are twelve step-by-step activities, with curriculum links and adaptations.

The activities in this toolkit will give students the opportunity to:

  • Develop vocabulary
  • Critically examine ideas and views
  • Improve listening and response skills
  • Improve confidence in speaking



How to use the toolkit

The workshops in this toolkit are divided into ‘30-minutes and under’ activities and ‘full lessons’. This allows you the flexibility to use the workshops depending on your preference. Please note that this does not include the preparation time which you can find at the top of the individual activity.

There is no order to the toolkit, however, the ‘Handling Objects’ workshop is a significant part of this oracy project. We suggest that this workshop is the first one that you use to help create context and underpin the foundation of the skills used throughout the toolkit. The workshops were delivered within secondary schools, however the tasks can be used across all age groups.


It is important to note the health and safety considerations around clay dust on page 31.


At the top of each activity page there are suggestions for group size which you can adapt depending on the class number. All activities are designed to allow you to recycle the clay with the option to fire. Curriculum links and adaptations are provided. BCB found that the workshops improve oracy skills in all subject areas, not just within art.



Transferer technique videos

Short technique videos accompany this toolkit.

The techniques modelled are:

  • Joining clay
  • Slab rolling
  • Coiling
  • Paper resist
  • Sgraffito

Watch the videos on our Resources page.




Clay is the main medium throughout the workshops. Clay may not be suitable for those who are sensitive to temperature and texture. Adaptations can include using gloves, wrapping the clay in cling film or alternative materials such as air-dried clay or plasticine. You can adapt most workshops to use alternate art materials. Students who may struggle with the control of finer tools can
be provided tools that have a wider grip. For students who feel uncomfortable in group tasks, pre-exposure to what the tasks are may help and considering smaller group sizes to reduce noise and strain.

Developing oracy involves students having conversations that explore opinions and navigate the process of self-expression. Coversations are open ended and may raise sensitive topics or reveal vulnerabilities. Please be mindful during any workshop and follow the safeguarding procedures in your school or setting.



About Transferer

Transferer was a groundbreaking project exploring cross-curricular approaches to art-based learning. The project worked with two Stoke-on-Trent secondary schools, delivering a two-year programme with year 7 and 8 students to develop greater oracy and critical thinking skills.

Learn more about our Transferer programme.




Transferer is funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation as part of their Arts-based Learning Fund. This fund supports work which enables pupils in formal education settings, particularly those experiencing systemic inequality or disadvantage, to thrive through engagement with high quality, arts-based learning.

Learn more about Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the Arts-based Learning Fund.